September 5 | Matthew 5:3 | Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Think about the single mother who has been rejected by society. She’s sitting on the grass rocking her twin girls feeling her future won’t matter ever again. Think about what she hears from Jesus: “Blessed are you single mom, whose poor in spirit, broken by society, culture, religion, and politics. Blessed are you, for the kingdom of heaven is yours.” 

September 12 | Matthew 5:4 | Blessed are Those who Mourn

Think about the senior adult sitting a few rows back on the hillside. Three years ago he lost his wife. He can’t work. Disease wracks his body. The government won’t help. The religious leaders tell him he’s too sinful to cure. He lives every day as if it’s his last. Think about what he hears when Jesus says, “Blessed are you who mourns, for you will be comforted. Your brokenness and pain have a place with me.”

September 26 | Matthew 5:5 | Blessed are the Meek

Think about the teenage father who goes to work every day trying to provide. He doesn’t try to fight the system. He doesn’t resist. He’s a nobody from nowhere. But he cares for his family. He tries to provide, but he can’t seem to make ends meet. Think about what he hears when Jesus says, “Blessed are you, young dad, who chooses to be meek, for you will inherit the earth. Your striving and hoping have a place with me. My kingdom is for you.”

October 10 | Matthew 5:6 | Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

There’s a lot about faith that is individual . . . no question. But there’s also the reality that our faith must engage the world . . . we are called to make disciples of all nations . . . which means we need to be people who hunger and thirst for the rights and well being of all created things. But as you know, this work will wear you out. You’ll get tired, and you’ll feel empty. But take heart, Jesus knows this. He sees this. And he promises God’s abiding grace and love will be with you in this work.

October 17 | Matthew 5:7 | Blessed are the Merciful

Think about the Roman centurion overlooking this Sermon on the Mount scene feeling convicted by Jesus’ words. Think about what he hears when Jesus says, “Blessed are you, officer, for you are merciful. In God’s realm, you too will receive mercy.”

October 24 | Matthew 5:8 | Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Think about all the children running around on the hillside overhearing Jesus wax poetic. Think about what their little ears hear when Jesus says: “Blessed are you, children, for you, are the pure in heart. You deserve a world better than this. On this side of eternity, we’ve failed you, but in God’s realm, you will be blessed, for you will see God.

October 31 | Matthew 5:9 | Blessed are the Peacemakers 

Think of all of the people crossing the Jordan or from around the Mediterranean, thousands on the hillside looking to build a life that no longer segregates, hurts, or hates. Think about what they hear when Jesus says, “Blessed are you peacemakers, for you will be called children of God.”

November 7 | Matthew 5:10 | Blessed are those who are Persecuted

Think about the disciples and women who chose to follow Jesus’ ministry. Think about what they hear when Jesus says, “Blessed are you who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for yours is the kingdom of heaven.

November 14 | Matthew 5:11-12 | Blessed are You When People Utter All Kinds of Evil Against You Falsely

Think about a refugee family. A mom and dad fleeing war, terror, and disease. Think about their little children having to leave everything they own behind except for a baby doll and the clothes on their back. Think about what they hear when Jesus says, “Blessed are you, sweet family, for when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely. Rejoice if you can. Be glad if you can, for your reward is great in heaven.”