April 5 | Palm Sunday | Matthew 21.1-11 | Palm Sunday is Tense

Palm Sunday is the day the palms reserved or Pilate were used for Jesus.

April 9 | Maundy Thursday | Communion at Home Service

Maundy Thursday is the last supper Jesus has with his disciples before he dies. What transpires in this meal has reverberated across time ever since.

April 10 | Good Friday Bible Study | The Unity of the Cross

The cross is more than a means of capital punishment. Jesus, on the cross, actually creates a roadmap towards unity for all people and God. How John describes this moment is just incredible from John 19:19-29.

April 12 | Easter Sunday | John 20:1-31 | Why Are We Weeping?

We’ve read this scripture before. I’ve preached it three times in five years. It shows up in the lectionary as much as any passage in the Bible . . . but every time we read it . . . every time I study it . . . I hear something new. I think it is because when we read about and meet the resurrected Christ . . . everything changes. Today is no exception.