Have a great idea for a small group?
Small Groups are ready to begin, and we’d love to see your proposal! Complete and save this form then email your proposal to Pastor Barrett at bowen@fbcwboro.org, or you can fill out the Online Form below.
An Overview
At the August 2016 Business Meeting, the church unanimously approved the creation of a Faith Formation Team. We have been working behind the scenes to create a system in which small group activity will begin. Here's how it works:
There will be three small group sessions a year: Spring, Summer, and Fall. Each session will have an open enrollment season in which members propose small group ideas to the Faith Formation Team. The team will work with staff to aid in the advertisement and space accomodations for each approved small group. Here is an overview of how the yearly calendar will work:
- December - January: Open Enrollment for Spring Small Group Proposals
- Februry - April: Spring Small Groups Meet
- May: Open Enrollment for Summer Proposals
- June -July: Summer Small Groups Meet
- August: Open Enrollment for Small Group Proposals
- September - November: Fall Small Groups Meet
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can lead a small group? Any member of First Baptist
- Does the leader have to teach? No. A First Baptist member just needs to be responsible for each Small Group.
- Who can attend small groups? Anyone. Small Groups are a great way to get people connected to the life and rhythm of First Baptist. Small Groups will always be inclusive in its approach to reaching people not connected to First Baptist.
- When do small groups occur? Whenever it works for the small group. There are, however, designated months in which Spring, Summer, and Fall Small Groups can meet. See the yearly calendar above.
- How do you start a small group? Fill out a proposal form below, and submit it to the Faith Formation Team. The team will meet and be in touch with you about whether or not we can sponsor/accommodate your small group needs.
- Is there material we can use that the churc already owns? Yes. Click here to download a copy of our curriculum housed in our church library. Simply request this material from the Faith Formation Team to use it.