CBFVA Kids Retreat 2025

The first CBFVA Kids Retreat was a great success! FBW sent 4 children and 3 adults to Williamsburg in March 2025 to spend the weekend focusing on the theme of "Heaven on Earth." We focused on Jesus' command for us to help make earth like it is in heaven through caring for creation, caring for our neighbors, and caring for one another.

On Saturday morning, we did a mission project where we created birthday bags for families in need. The church groups went shopping for items like a cake pan, cake mix, frosting, streamers, balloons, party hats, plates, and forks. We then went to Williamsburg Baptist and decorated bags and cards, and created an assembly line to fill the bags with the purchased items. The completed bags were either sent home with churches to share with minsitry partners in their cities or given to a couple of non-profits in Williamsburg for distribution.

Saturday afternoon was spent in rotations. Children heard the story of the Good Samritan an imagined what would have happened differently if all fo the people in the story had someone who treated them like a neighbor. Then children helped create an art installation that was used in worship, complete with a paper person that helped us remember that it's up to all of us to create heaven on earth. Finally, they spent some time with CBF Field Personnel Jessica Hearne and learned about her ministry in Danville, VA with those experiencing poverty. They helped create starter boxes for seeds that will be used in the community garden in Danville while also learning how to use materials that can be reused and recycled as we work to take better care of creation.

Saturday evening and Sunday morning were spent in worship where we were encouraged and challenged to cross the line if it means seeing others as our neighbor rather than our enemy. We were encouraged to say "No!" if it means standing up for what is right instead of accpeting things the way they are. Children were reminded that they don't have to wait to be a certain age or have a certain job in order to bring heaven to earth. They can start that right now.

We had a terrific weekend and are ready to keep working at bringing heaven to earth each and every day- no matter what it holds.