
Christ is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! So…now what? As Easter people, we have been tasked with living our lives knowing that we are forgiven, loved, and accepted and to share that news with the world!

This Eastertide, we will hear stories about encounters people had with Jesus after his resurrection. We will be reminded of what Jesus taught his disciples and how we are still accountable to those teachings.

This Easter, we will journey together though Scripture and do our best to see the world through the same lens that God does. We will hope for things to be brought into focus so that we may see glimpses of resurrection all around us. As we journey together, we pray for God to open our eyes so that we can say “Suddenly…I See!” 

April 24 | John 20:19-31 | Seeing is Believing | Dr. Jim White preaching

May 1 | John 21: 1-14 | Looking Death in the Eye part 1 | Rev. Susan Blanchard preaching

In today's sermon, Rev. Susan Blanchard (Director of the Baptist House of Studies at Union Presbyterian Seminary), shares how Jesus' breakfast on the beach was a reminder to the disciples that their job to "fish for people" isn't over - it is just beginning. Listen to her sermon as we discover how Jesus helped the disciples eyes be opened to the journey ahead of them.

May 8 | Galatians 5:1 | “What Does the Baptist in First Baptist Mean?” | Dr. Loyd Allen preaching

In his sermon, Dr. Loyd Allen talks about what it means to be a Baptist and the various freedoms we have as Baptists.

May 15 | John 13:31-55 | Love Through a New Lens | Dr. Randy Ashcraft preaching

In his sermon from John 13, Dr. Randy Ashcroft talks about how the most important commandment Jesus gives us is to love. Listen to his sermon with an openness to hear how our congregation can be a place where love is at the center of who we are and how we can let it be our main focus and goal.

May 22 | John 14:23-29 | Trusting What We Can’t Yet See | Rev. Kristen Koger preaching

As Jesus is preparing to leave the disciples, he gives these two gifts: the promise of the Holy Spirit and a kind of peace that can only be found through a relationship with Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Kristen digs into how we can work to accept these gifts, and how our lives can be changed when they are in harmony with on another.

May 29 | Acts 1:6-11 | Why Are You Looking Up? | Rev. Kristen Koger preaching

As Jesus ascends to the heavens, his disciples are asked "Why are you looking up?". This passage from Acts 1 reminds us that even though Jesus isn't physically present here on earth, the work he began isn't over. Instead of fixing our eyes on the heavens to catch a glimpse of Jesus, we should instead focus our eyes on the world around us and strive to the be presence of Christ in the world by seeking justice, loving our neighbor, and putting our faith to action.

On the heels of a difficult week in our nation, we find that in the midst of strong emotions we are called to pray but also to act. As we finish our Easter series, may we see the world around us with transformed eyes and hopeful hearts. May we view the world as Jesus does, and love the people in it the way God loves us.

June 5 | | Do You Want to See | Dr. Jim White Preaching

On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming to earth and filling the disciples with its presence. In his sermon, Dr. Jim White challenges us to find ways to be filled and moved by the Spirit in today's world.