"Why Are You Looking Up?" A Sermon by Rev. Kristen Koger

As Jesus ascends to the heavens, his disciples are asked "Why are you looking up?". This passage from Acts 1 reminds us that even though Jesus isn't physically present here on earth, the work he began isn't over. Instead of fixing our eyes on the heavens to catch a glimpse of Jesus, we should instead focus our eyes on the world around us and strive to the be presence of Christ in the world by seeking justice, loving our neighbor, and putting our faith to action.

On the heels of a difficult week in our nation, we find that in the midst of strong emotions we are called to pray but also to act. As we finish our Easter series, may we see the world around us with transformed eyes and hopeful hearts. May we view the world as Jesus does, and love the people in it the way God loves us.