FBW Weekday Preschool Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

The FBW Weekday Preschool will have their annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Wednesday, March 19. Dinner will be served from 5:00-6:30 and the preschool children will sing a few songs at 5:45. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED! You can sign up in the Canada Room, on the church website, or by scanning the QR Code in your bulletin. Cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children. Payment will be taken at the door (cash, check, or card accepted).

2025 Lent Book Study

Join us for our Lent Book Study as we explore "Learning to Walk in the Dark" by Barbara Brown Taylor. Together, we will reflect on how seasons of uncertainty and challenge can deepen our faith. We will meet Sundays from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, beginning March 9 through April 13, in the Faith Classroom in the Education Building. To sign up and/or purchase the book, please email Kristen. We look forward to this meaningful journey together!

Community Ash Wednesday Service

Join us for a special Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service on March 5th at 7:00 PM at Main Street Methodist. Together with our neighbors from Main Street Methodist, Grace Lutheran, Union Baptist, St. John’s Episcopal, and First Presbyterian, we will begin the sacred season of Lent in a spirit of unity and reflection. All are welcome as we come together for prayer and worship.

Men's Group

Calling all FBW men, let’s hang out! One of ways we want to dig deeper with community in 2025 is by creating regular and intentional opportunities for the men of our church to connect with, encourage, and strengthen one another in our call to follow Christ and serve our families and community. We hope that through these informal gatherings you will have fun, connect with other men you might not know, and grow in your faith through our times of devotion and prayer. Our first opportunity is Saturday, January 18 from 8-9am at Panera Bread in Waynesboro. Please contact Pastor Justin if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!

Dig Deeper: January Sermon Series

Hopefully, you’ve received your star word and are beginning to let that word challenge, encourage, and guide you in your personal journey through 2025. But what about us as a church? 2024 was an amazing year. But where is God leading us in 2025? What word will lead, guide, challenge, and encourage us as a church? As we’ve prayed and reflected on this question, we kept coming back to the word “deeper.” For the next 3 weeks we will reflect together in worship on the ways God might be calling us to dig deeper with Christ, deeper with community, and deeper in mission this year. As we reflect together on this “church star word” we hope and pray it will challenge and guide us this year.

Epiphany Sunday, Breakfast Potluck + Star Words

On Sunday January 5th we will celebrate Epiphany together! Epiphany is the day we celebrate the magi's arrival to visit the Christ Child. While Epiphany is always on January 6th, at FBW we celebrate it on a Sunday closest to that day. We will gather for a church-wide potluck breakfast in the Fellowship Hall at 9:15, and then have a One Worship Service in the Sanctuary at 10:30. During that service, we will dedicate two of our children, take communion, and receive our Epiphany Star Words. Not sure what a star word is? You can find more information in this issue of the Soundings. Join us for one of our favorite days of the church year. It's going to be a wonderful way to begin 2025 together.

If you are new to FBW, you may wonder what a "star word" is. On Epiphany Sunday, we celebrate the magi who followed a star that led them to the Christ Child. When they arrived, they worshipped him and brought him gifts.

On Epiphany Sunday, each of us will receive the gift of a star with a word written on it. That word is meant to guide, challenge, and affirm you over the course of the next year. You don't get to choose your word; you don't get to trade it for a different one; the word you get is the word you get.

This word is meant to be a gift, not a burden. It may take some time for you to know what to do with your word, but over the years we have found that if you remain open to the ways your word will guide you throughout the year, it will do just that.

Join us on Janaury 5th in worship to receive your star word. If you won't be here that day, we will have them availale for the entire Epiphany season. If you would like us to mail you a word, please contact the church office

Senior Saints Christmas Lunch

The Senior Saints Christmas Lunch will be on Thursday, December 11 from 11a-1p. The cost is $15/person and will include a catered lunch by Patsy Wood. This year, we will be entertained by the Weekday Preschool and Buddy Thomas and Wanda Eaves. You can sign up by contacting the church office. Payment can be made to FBW with "Senior Saints Lunch" in the memo line. Please sign up by December 4th.

November Mission Focus: Angel Tree

Each year, FBW receives several Angel Tree angels from the Salvation Army. WE also provide gifts for the family that is staying in our room at the WARM house. Starting November 10th, you will find a Christmas tree in the Canada Room with angel tags on them. You can take a tag, purchase the requested gift, and then return the gift (unwrapped) WITH the tag attached to the church. As we learn deadlines, we will share them in all church communications. Thakn you for helping us make the holiday season a little brighter for families in our communtiy.

October Mission Focus

For the month of October, we will be collecting a few different items to share with some of our mission partners. We will be collecting socks for all ages (adult and children) to donate to local shelters, clothing closets, and to share with the Berkeley Glenn community. We are also collecting children's winter hats and gloves that we will give away at the Berkeley Glenn Fall Festival. These items can be brought to the church and placed in the Canada Room for the whole month of October.

November Short Term Study Group

As a part of our prayer focus for the month of November, we will also be offering a short-term study group focused on prayer. This group will meet on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour and will be led by Loyd Allen. Using Marjorie Thompson's book "Soul Feast," participants in this class will learn about the importance of prayer, different approaches to prayer, and how prayer can impact our lives and our community. All adults are invited to participate in this small group opportunity.

Back to School Bash 2024

On Sunday, July 21 and Sunday, July 28, we will have a table at the Waynesboro Public Schools’ Back to School Bash! This community event provides an opportunity for families to come and receive information about community partners, pick up materials they may need for the school year, and connect with other organizations in town.

There are two ways you can help us with this event:
1- Volunteer for a shift at our table! We will be present both days handing out information about FBW and socks and underwear for families. There are 2 shifts each day. We would love to see you there!

2- Donate new socks and underwear! These are some of the most needed items for families. You can bring new socks and underwear (children, youth, and adult sizes needed) to the Canada Room at the church between now and July 28th and we will make sure they get to KCMS.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Kristen.

Final Transition Update: Introducing Justin Moser, Senior Pastor

We are excited to announce the calling of Rev. Justin Moser as the new senior pastor of First Baptist Waynesboro!

After nine months of intense prayer, discernment, resumes, phones calls, Zoom meetings, interviews, reference checks, and more prayer, our pastor search committee unanimously presented Justin as the candidate for senior pastor. Justin spent the weekend answering questions from the congregation in two Q&A sessions, and then led in worship on Sunday, November 26th. In a vote following worship on Sunday, the congregation overwhelmingly affirmed Justin's call to be our next senior pastor. 

We ask that you be in prayer for Pastor Justin and his family, Ellie, Micah, and Lewis, as they prepare to say goodbye to their church family and their community over the next several weeks. Justin will wrap up his time at his current church, FBC Saint Simons Island, GA, at the end of December and then he and his family will transition to Waynesboro after the first of the year. There are still a few details to work out when it comes to his first Sunday with us, but we will keep you updated as those are finalized. 

We give thanks for the ways that God has guided our church, our search committee, and Justin through this process. We look forward to this next chapter in the life of our church as we continue to do, love, and walk like Christ in this world. 

Finally, we say thank you to the pastor search committee and their families, who have given so much of their time and energy to this process over the last nine months: Susan Shiflet (chair), Tom Woodworth (vice-chair), Libby Allen, Laurie Landes, Ed Morse, Seth Price, Devin Roller, Cheryl Rosberg, and Jeremy Rowe. 

There are exciting days ahead, and we are glad that we get to experience them together!

Transition Update #10: Call Weekend Schedule Released

As was shared on Sunday, November 5th, the Pastor Search Committee has issued a call to a candidate to be our next senior pastor.

Call weekend is November 25th and 26th. We hope you will make plans to join us that weekend for a chance to meet the candidate and his family. A schedule of events is listed below.

Saturday, November 25:

9:00am- Candidate meets with Church Council
9:30: Q&A Session with Candidate in Fellowship Hall

Sunday, November 26:

9:00am- Q&A Session with Candidate in Fellowship Hall
10:30am- Candidate leads in worship
11:30ish- Special Called Business Meeting for vote on candidate

We appreciate your continued prayers for our church and the candidate as we prepare to welcome him and his family to FBW the weekend of November 25 and 26.

Transition Update #9

The Pastor Search Committee is excited to announce that after reading resumes, listening the sermons, and doing many rounds of interviews, we have issued a call to our top candidate. We feel is the one to lead FBC in the future. He has accepted our call and we are anxious for you to meet him and his family.

We will have a call weekend on November 25th and 26th. A schedule for the weekend will be published soon. At this time you will have the opportunity to meet him and hear him preach. After worship there will be a called business meeting where we will vote to make him our next Pastor.

This weekend is right after Thanksgiving, and we know many of you will be traveling. We urge you to enjoy this holiday with your family, but plan to be back for Saturday or Sunday for this important weekend.

The Pastor Search Committee want to thank you for the trust you have given us and your patience through this process. We couldn’t be more excited, and we look forward to sharing that excitement with you on November 25th and 26th.