Transition Update #5: Nominations now open for Pastor Search Committee

Now that we have approved the profiles created by the Transition Team, we are ready to move to the next phase of the senior pastor transition. The FBW Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for individuals to serve on the Pastor Search Committee. 

How do I make my nomination? 
There are two ways you can submit names for nomination:
1- Email Carla Thomas, nominating committee chair. She will collect names and share them with the nominating committee.
2- Fill out the paper nomination form, which will be found in your bulletin over the next two Sundays. You can place the form in the offering plate or drop it off in the church office during office hours. We will pass along any paper nomination forms to the Nominating Committee. 

Who can I nominate? 
Any active member is eligible to be nominated. Self-nominations will also be accepted. 

When is the deadline to submit nominations?
Nominations will be accepted until Sunday, January 15th. 

What if I have questions? 
Any questions can be directed to the FBW Nominating Committee (names listed below). 

We ask for you to keep the nominating committee in your prayers as they work together to discern who are the best individuals to serve on this search committee. 

We hope to see you on Sunday as we celebrate Epiphany! 

The FBW Nominating Committee,
Carla Thomas, chair
Debbie Boling
Chris Furr
Mike Hartzler
Mary Kane
Katherine Megginson
Alan Melton

Transition Update #4: Church Profile now available

Your transition team has been hard at work putting together the pastor, congregation, and community profiles over the last few weeks. The pastor and congregational profiles are based on feedback and comments from the congregation during our listening sessions in October. 

This Sunday (December 18) immediately following worship, we will have a called business meeting in the Sanctuary. One of the items on the agenda will be vote and approve this profile. This profile will be vital to the work of the pastor search committee and to our search process.

We hope that you will take some time to look these profiles over before Sunday and bring any questions or feedback that you have to the meeting. We will have a limited number of printed copies of this profile available for those who may not have email. You can click the button below to find a copy of the profile attached.

If you are not able to attend the meeting in person or if you prefer to submit your feedback in writing, you may email any comments or questions to the transition team at or reply to this email.

The transition team has been meeting weekly (and sometimes twice weekly) since September and have been listening to the Spirit's guidance and to the congregation as we prepare to begin the search for our next senior pastor. We are grateful for your participation in our listening sessions and ask that you continue to pray for our church during this time of transition. 

We hope to see you on Sunday. 

- The FBW Transition Team
Laurie Landes, chair
Misti Furr
Rick Kane
Seth Price
Jeremy Rowe
Jim White
Tom Woodworth

Pastoral Transition Update #3: Listening Session Dates Announced

Pastoral Transition Update #3: Listening Session Dates Announced

As noted in the most recent Soundings, the Transition Team is meeting weekly to formulate a plan to get input from the congregation as we work toward building a Church Profile and a Senior Pastor Profile. The profiles will be presented to the congregation for approval and will be the primary guide for the Pastor Search Committee. The work we do as a congregation over the coming weeks and months will be instrumental in choosing the right pastor for First Baptist Waynesboro.

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Pastoral Transition Update #2: Transition Team Appointed

Pastoral Transition Update #2: Transition Team Appointed

Many of you have been asking a very reasonable question about what is being done to search for a new pastor. In truth, the Church Council and church moderator have been working behind the scenes for some months now to prepare us for a smooth transition and to find the individual who will lead us in the senior pastor role.

The process calls for four general phases of transition between senior pastors. Listed below are the approaches for each phase of the transition.

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Introducing Jaime Coulling as our new Ministry Coordinator!

Introducing Jaime Coulling as our new Ministry Coordinator!

We are excited to welcome Jaime Coulling as our new Ministry Coordinator! In her role as Ministry Coordinator, Jaime will have her feet in both the ministry and administrative sides of our staff. Her responsibilities will include the planning, recruiting, executing, and evaluating of church events and programs, supporting our teams and committees with any needed administration, assist in weekly communications with our children and youth ministries, support the administrative staff as needed, and work with the ministry staff in the big picture planning and visioning for our church.

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Midweek Bible Study: The Story of the Christian Church

Midweek Bible Study: The Story of the Christian Church

Dr. Loyd Allen, church historian, will offer eleven summer sessions on "The Story of the Christian Church." He will be leading a look at everything from how we came to have the New Testament books we have, to the varieties of Christian prayer, to the differences between various Christian denominations, to how the Pope became the Pope, to speaking in tongues, and much more. These presentations are free and open to all. Bring a friend!

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Pentecost Sunday- June 5th

Pentecost Sunday- June 5th

Join us on Sunday, June 5th as we celebrate Pentecost- the birthday of the Church!

We will have a combined worship service at 10:30 in the Sanctuary. Sunday school classes will meet at 9:30. After worship we will have a church-wide potluck. The church will provide the entree and we are asking each family unit to bring a side or dessert to share. You are also welcome to bring blankets or lawn chairs so you can sit outside. We will have tables and chairs set up in the Fellowship Hall.

We are also asking that you wear red that day. We are hoping to take a church family photo following the service before lunch!

We hope you will join us for this wonderful day of worship and fellowship!

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