Now that we have approved the profiles created by the Transition Team, we are ready to move to the next phase of the senior pastor transition. The FBW Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for individuals to serve on the Pastor Search Committee.
How do I make my nomination?
There are two ways you can submit names for nomination:
1- Email Carla Thomas, nominating committee chair. She will collect names and share them with the nominating committee.
2- Fill out the paper nomination form, which will be found in your bulletin over the next two Sundays. You can place the form in the offering plate or drop it off in the church office during office hours. We will pass along any paper nomination forms to the Nominating Committee.
Who can I nominate?
Any active member is eligible to be nominated. Self-nominations will also be accepted.
When is the deadline to submit nominations?
Nominations will be accepted until Sunday, January 15th.
What if I have questions?
Any questions can be directed to the FBW Nominating Committee (names listed below).
We ask for you to keep the nominating committee in your prayers as they work together to discern who are the best individuals to serve on this search committee.
We hope to see you on Sunday as we celebrate Epiphany!
The FBW Nominating Committee,
Carla Thomas, chair
Debbie Boling
Chris Furr
Mike Hartzler
Mary Kane
Katherine Megginson
Alan Melton